Thursday, September 03, 2015

Mental Note: Always check your junk mail folder

The caller ID read "No Caller ID". I thought for sure it was one of those scam type things and almost let it just go to voice mail. I was just finishing my lunch hour and only had a few more minutes to spare before I headed back down to my tiny little office.

Reluctantly, I answered, "Hello?" I said.

"Rose?" A woman on the other end of the phone replied.

"Yes?" I knew who this was. I mean, I didn't know her by name but I knew she must be one of the women from the Fertility Clinic because no one but doctors and nurses call me, "Rose".

We got The Call! The second very important call in the same week! Wow! Here we thought we'd be receiving this call sometime next week and it was only Thursday and we got The Call!

Apparently she had emailed me some info which was bumped to my junk mail folder (which I check every other day). This email contained an information video we will need to watch in order to understand IVF. Also, she was calling to call about my weight loss and menstrual cycles.

I have lost some weight since we began this process, but not as much as I'd like. Apparently my BMI needs to be under 35 in order to eligible to continue with the IVF process. Thankfully it is... just slightly but enough to qualify. I will continue to drink water, swim and watch my portion sizes in order to continue to drop a pound or two to stay within the "safe zone". At this stage in the game, I really don't need anymore delays.

Furthermore, I am actually thankful for the "uterine lining meds" the doc has given me because it has naturally regulated my cycle into a pattern we can predict for my next potential ovulation cycle, which also means we were able to schedule the IVF counselling session!

Our session has been booked for the 24th. Then I will call them the first full flow day of my period to go back in and have my blood work done and an ultrasound performed. I guess it's double-check on everything Then, I will pay for those very expensive IVF drugs ($1,000 per "try" even with our drug coverage from work).

She mentioned something about having to go in a few times over the course of a few days once I receive the drugs. I'm sure it's to make sure things are progressing as they should within my body. If all goes well, they'll extract my eggs and Chris will give a fresh sperm sample.

Next the magic happens and some lab tech along with the doctor puts those two awesome pieces of us together in order for his sperm to find my egg. Maybe they'll play a little Barry White's "Let's get it on!" for our guys! chuckles Following this, the itty bitty embryo will be placed back inside of me to attach successfully to my uterine wall.

So... she said that should all take place by about the middle-ish of next month. grins

We can't help but be excited about the prospect of being parents! Are we aware of all the things that could go wrong along the way? Yes, we don't doubt that those things might happen, but we have faith that in God's timing. All we can do, is our part and stay positive!

I know these drugs will kick my butt. I know that this will be the hardest thing I ever go through in my entire life. I'm scared and nervous and so sure that God is with us.

"With faith anything is possible..." This is us dreaming about the possibilities tonight.... I think I know what cloud nine feels like now. :)

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