Tuesday, August 30, 2016

His Treasured Possession

Over the weekend I worked on a new bible journaling piece after being challenged by "Illustrated Faith's" Rebekah R Jones, which you can watch here: I am treasured.

What really stood out to me as she did her artwork was this idea that not only am I one of God's treasured possessions but the little girl that God has already named is also His treasured possession. God knows Ruby Grace already. He knows her intimately and she is not even here yet!

In Exodus 19:5 it says, Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine. and to me this just spoke of Ruby...... I don't know why she came to mind, or why I felt inspired to write her a letter as I did my artwork, but I'm so glad I did.

After reading the letter to Chris both of us felt a renewing of our spirits as we go into this next chapter of infertility. It was perfect timing too, as I had my depot Lupron shot yesterday which was administered in person at the fertility clinic by a nurse. I was quite worried that the shot would be painful but I barely felt it at all. After being told what side effects I may experience over the course of the next month from the shot I am even more apprehensive. Apparently, I may experience menopause like symptoms! Yay, bring on those hot flashes! (Sarcasm there... ahem...)

I know that God is with me, though, and He is aware of all of this... that gives me some strength to face this uncertain next month. I only hope I am kind to my husband. (One of the side effects of Lupron is irritability.) I tend to be short tempered with him when I'm on my monthly cycle so.... this should also prove interesting....

I'll update you all again as I experience any side effects -- but I must say I'm hoping the only update will be that there are no side effects!

Friday, August 05, 2016

Provera......is delayed....

After a series of miscommunication and misunderstanding from the Fertility Clinic staff members Provera will be delayed until August 24th.

We will be going in so they can do their vampiry thing again on the 23rd for a second time this month... I am telling you they just keep wanting more of my awesome blood!

Meh, no worries. Just a few more weeks delay before everything gets REALLY going!

Are you excited yet? Hmmm?! Well, I sure am! We'll be trying again soon enough for TWO embryos!


Thursday, August 04, 2016

Provera time again!

We went to the fertility clinic early this morning so they could get a sample of my blood. They're like hungry little vampires over there...always needing more....more I say more!

I've had a tough time the past few months with my menstural cycles. I'm barely producing a cycle... just little spots or hints of blood and then poof! It's gone for another month! Also, in June my cycle was three weeks late and that's when I thought I might be pregnant.

So... they wanted to check on things and I've asked them if I could take the Provera again to start a regular full flow cycle. We're getting closer to our September date for our last and final Egg Transfer Day and I'd rather not have a little hitch on our plans just because I'm having cycle problems.

Our doc agreed and will be placing me on Provera. Hence, the bloodwork. Results will come back this afternoon and they'll work on the date when I'll take the medication for 10 days. 


No idea why my body does all these crazy things!