Monday, September 21, 2015

Learning to de-stress

In three days Chris and I will be heading into the Fertility Clinic to discuss IVF and all the different steps in the "Antagonist Protocol" we will be going through! Yay!

In the meantime, I'm just trying to find ways to stay calm and de-stress. I must say I'm really enjoying the de-stressing mode. :)

I've rediscovered an old try and true method that works for me. Yes, I'm just a big ol' kid at heart so... isn't any wonder that coloring seems to do the trick nicely? The more intricate and complicated the picture the better! Here is "Dreamer", my latest creation I'm working on. Isn't he lovely? (Yes, he's a he! I don't know why I know that, but he is...and he was in my dream last night after I started to color him yesterday evening..)

I picked up an adult coloring book called "Color Me Yourself 2" from Costco last week and boy, am I having some fun! Chris seems to be totally okay with my relaxing method in the evening now and I can actually feel my body ease and relax much quicker in the evenings.

Of course, other ways to relax and decompress at the end of my days has worked too. Good music, good dancing, great giggling with my hubby.... grins

Also, when I was really getting anxious about the tranquilizer last week, I went to you tube and typed in "egg retrieval" and "tranquilizer" and just happened to find another Christian couple who was going through the Antagonist Protocol treatment! Yay! They posted each and every step of their process and I must say, watching "a Sue and a Jay" videos really did help ease my mind.

So, slowly but surely I'm becoming more comfortable with the idea of a tranquilizer. I do not expect it all to be easy. I actually expect it to be very difficult and painful but I'm looking at it more positively and remaining relaxed.

I'll post again once Thursdays appointment is over! Tell y'all what happens next!

bounces off to snuggle with Chris in bed


  1. I am glad that my wedding anniversary is coming up - I want one of these and 1st anniversaries are paper!! Yeah!! Sean and I are keeping you and Chris in our prayers!

    1. :) Happy Anniversary! You guys are such a cute couple! It was good to see Sean yesterday. Such a happy surprise to see him at our office door.

      We must get together soon! :)
