Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I'm late for a very important date!

Quite literally I am late. It's been two days and no cycle! I can tell my cycle is on its way as I went through about a hundred different emotions today.

Chris woke me up and rubbed my back. I told him I didn't want to get out of bed and deal with tenants.... They're like children! "I want, I want, I want!" or "I need, I need, I need!" I constantly hear, "Rosie, you know I don't want to be a bother but...." or "Rosie, you really should have one of the boys do _______"

I'd say about 75 people on average come see me in a given day. 98% see me because they want or need something. I really enjoy just a "hello good to see you!" but that rarely takes place...

*sigh* So, I digress! There I lay in bed feeling awfully sorry for myself and very, very grouchy. I stomped into the washroom to get ready for the day and wouldn't let Chris kiss me. I was miserable and wanted to feel miserable.

By 10 am this morning I was giggling like a 9 year old over silly things our co-worker was saying... such a change in emotion!

By noon, I was fed-up, tired and wanted a nap.

Then at 3 o'clock I was resigned to the knowledge that I was everyone's "go to" person for their every whim and need. I had to multi-task and get 10 different things done in the next half-hour or the world at our building wouldn't ever right itself...

However, by five o'clock I was too tired to care and wanted my cat and blankey, feeling about 5 years old and ready for a good "zoning out time" for a half hour in front of the telly.

Yes.....a million emotions in one day.... yup the period is coming! I hope it shows up soon.....

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