Friday, November 06, 2015

Trigger Shot

Chris and I videotaped this morning's trigger shot injections but for some reason it has been magically erased from my laptop... Yes, I know it's very strange!

Well, I had two injections this morning of "Ovidrel" at 250 units each. The are both "epi-pen" style injections exactly like our Gonal-F pens, but just in the color blue! Spiffy, I know...

I have been most concerned about this day...the day I take the trigger shots because of something called OHSS (Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome). If you click on that blue link it'll tell you more about OHSS.
OHSS is very serious and lucky for me I have a higher than normal chance of having a severe reaction to the Ovidrel trigger shots. If I remember correctly, I have a 9% chance of having a severe reaction. for the next 10 days I have to be watchful to make sure I do not develop any side effects in severity to this drug. Such tension and stress to deal with this as I worry...

The reason they've given me the trigger since is to release any eggs in my follicles so we can now scrap this round of fertility drugs and then start anew in two weeks. Women who have PCOS (like me) have a higher chance of having OHSS. The complications of OHSS may include:

  • Fluid collection in the abdomen and sometimes the chest
  • Electrolyte disturbances (sodium, potassium, others)
  • Blood clots in large vessels, usually in the legs
  • Kidney failure
  • Twisting of an ovary
  • Rupture of a cyst in an ovary, which can lead to serious bleeding
  • Breathing problems
  • Pregnancy loss from miscarriage or termination because of complications
  • Rarely, death
Again, I reiterate...FUN!


So far, I've only had about 3 minutes of feeling an ever so slight nausea and a few twinges of pain on my left side about where my ovaries are located, but I do have another nine days of monitoring to go through. 

We are praying for NO symptoms to show up and cause trouble for us. 

How are we feeling otherwise? A little let down and frustrated. 

I mean, I know intellectually that the doctors couldn't have known my body wouldn't react to the low-dose of Gonal-F like it did. It's all very "trial & error" ish when it comes to infertility issues and drug doses but it is hard to swallow that pill and still get hopeful.

We are not giving up hope though. I pray that my period cycle starts in two weeks as it should. Please Jesus, please....

In the meantime, I'll be getting back into my morning swimming before work. Yay I'm allowed to exercise again! Also, I plan on trying to lose a few more pounds over the course of these weeks as the "Ideal" BMI is between 19-25 for fertility. (I only found out about those numbers two weeks ago watching one of the slides go by on the TV screens at the clinic.) I'd have to be 128 lbs to reach that goal. *snorts in disbelief* Yeah, that's not gonna happen overnight but I can inch my way down slowly. Being in the 60's (I'm at 170 lbs now) would be helpful.... low 60's is achievable... so that's my new goal.

I wish I could afford a trainer and a dietician but we all know that's not going to happen. A trainer is expensive so I'll just continue with swimming laps, stretching and other...uh.... things with Christopher I shall not mention here...

I think I'll shall do a happy dance when I reach 169 lbs and do not dip up to 170 lbs once again. 

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