Sunday, November 22, 2015

Round #2 Stim day #1

There is no way I'm posting today's stim day shot video. The video is almost 40 minutes long and let me tell you this time it's MUCH more complicated than last time! I think we got it down pat for tomorrow but tonight was a total mess!


Stim Day 1 is done. That's all that matters. The shots went into my belly and we will be doing our shots at about 6:30 pm every night for Gonal-F and Luveris.

It's Luveris that's the complicated drug to mix and figure out since they don't have Q-caps available at the pharmacy this time around.

I didn't have any reaction to the Luveris. The nurse said I may have a red itchy mark like I do with the Cetrotide shots but I think it took so long to prepare the drug and get it right that the Luveris must have mixed and settled long enough with the saline to not cause a reaction on my skin.

We will have to return to the pharmacy in a few days in order to pick up a few extra needles and syringes. We wasted two mixing syringes and bent one injection trying to prepare the Luveris. It's just doubly complicated without the Q-cap!

We suck at this...

Also, a smidgen amount of Luveris squirted out and landed on the table. I'm worried about that. It was so minuscule of an amount...but still... it was suppose to have gone in my body! I'm worried. I'm praying it wasn't enough to have mattered.

Chris is hanging out with his best friend watching wrestling tonight...I plan to take a hot bath and tuck into bed soon. I'm just drain and stressed from tonight's injection screw up.

Lastly I swore three times while prepare all the needles/syringes and didn't even notice I had been swearing under my breath until after I watched the video. Lord, please forgive me for my dirty mouth...

G'night all....

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