Mother's Day is never easy for me. Typically I avoid public gatherings, including church services on this day. In the past, with our previous church, they would have the mums and their children take professional photos to be displayed on the screen in the sanctuary on this special day. I always found that difficult to sit through, to watch, to see the love and joy on display so starkly. I have no living children but I had to look at everyone else in pretty, perfect photos that were taller than me!
This weekend though, things went a little differently. Chris and I recently decided to join a new church, a church that we have felt called to by our Heavenly Father, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We were baptised into the church on Saturday, May 12th which then allowed us to have the confirmation of the Holy Spirit on Sunday -- today, Mother's Day.
I almost asked Chris to pick another day for our baptisms, but I then felt pressed upon to keep the day, to focus on our love for both Heavenly Father and The Lord Jesus Christ and to create a new memory for Mother's Day.
We're glad we kept the day for our baptisms for this particular weekend. We have felt such joy on what normally is such a hard day for us in previous years. God is so faithful!
Even though my husband and I are still not where we want to be in our lives (with a home full of noisy children) we're still so thankful for the journey we're on and the progress we've made in the last few years, especially.
Heavenly Father's plans are so much higher than our own plans. His delight in us, allows me to choose joy over sorrow today. Was it hard to watch the children sing a sweet song in church for their mothers? Yes, I cried during that part, but only because I thought of our own adopted child out there, whom we still don't know yet. I thought about their sadness and worry on a day like today; a day without a mother to love them, could overshadow their hope of being chosen by a family. I so want to meet my child! My forever child.... one day... I'm praying for that child, praying we'll still able to bring them home...
In the meantime, we're coming to the end of our debt pay off journey, soon we are able to move onto saving for a bigger emergency fund, then the car --- then finally, oh so finally, we can make a serious inquiry about adoption! One step at a time, but we're definitely getting there. In the meantime, I will be thankful for the new memory I made on this Mother's Day weekend, and challenge all hopeful future mothers who struggle with childlessness to find a moment of joy and hope today. Make a new memory, take a moment to laugh (tickle your husband's feet like I did, if you must!) and thank The Lord for His eternal hope that only He provides.
Love all you ladies, very much