Another set of test results are back. This is Chris' last test results we needed. This time it had to with Karyotype test results... I honestly had no idea what a "karyotype" even was. Thank God for google!
It's a test that checks out Chris' chromosomes and makes sure they are not abnormal, missing or extra copies of chromosomes. He could even have very large pieces of his genetic coding missing.
Thankfully his Karyotype results were completely normal. Yes, as odd and goofy as my husband is, he is 100% normal.
Yay! :)
Now, I'm not sure what to blame his weird obsessions with baseball cards, scores and wrestling statistics on.... Yes, I do realize he is male but c'mon... wrestling?? Shudders!! (He's actually watching wrestling on his laptop as I type this! Ugh! I truly hope our children do not inherit that part of Christopher.)
Now we must wait, one last time, on my final results to come in. These results will be on my blood work to see if I, too, carry the Cystic Fibrosis gene. Chris and I have been informed we should have these results within a week.
We have decided to wait two weeks before we start bugging them again for my test results. :) I can be a pain in the butt when I need to be! (Just ask my step-father... I can't tell you the number of times he rolled his eyes at my during my teenage years! giggles)
In the meantime, both of us need to get back on track with more proper eating habits (for baby's sake) and we need continue to save a little more money for "The Baby Fund". Since we don't know how many rounds it will take to produce a little one in my belly Chris and I will need to try our best to have enough savings for three rounds of IVF ready and available for when that time comes.
Lately, I have become most concerned about my stress level. My job is extremely demanding and comes with a high amount of stress day in and day out. Chris and I work over 50 hours a week with an high level of demands placed on our heads. We work along side each other trying to better the lives of those around us as we take care of the residential apartment high-rise building which houses over 209 apartments and over 300 tenants and occupants.
In any given day I have approximately 75 tenants, 20 contractors, 15 prospective tenants and our supervisor calling for my attention, decision and action on any given subject. We are on call 24 hours a day on a bi-weekly basis, working up to 9 days straight in a row. Half the month we cannot leave the building any further than a 10 minute radius so that we can get back quickly if need be.
Chris and I don't have a car so a 10 minute radius means we really can't go anywhere since even walking to our local mall is a little our of a ten minute walking range that is allowable. Eventually you kinda feel like a rat stuck in a rat maze...
I will admit I have a love/hate relationship for my job. I chose this field of work and I'm glad for it. It comes with a lot of rewards and the biggest reward is that I get to spend my everyday alongside Chris. (His stress levels are just as high as my own.)
My worry is for the potential little baby that will grow inside my body one day soon. He or she will feel that stress and tension day and day out. I know that this stress could affect my body in some pretty negative ways. I'm afraid my stress might be so high it could cause me to lose the baby and miscarry....
I haven't discussed these fears yet with Chris because, to be honest, I haven't been able to find the words yet to articulate this fear I have... This is my first opportunity to real voice my concerns.
With the help of The Lord anything is possible -- even finding ways to relieve my stress and ease my anxiety but honestly.... my job is just very, very demanding........ There is only one of me....only one woman that runs that office all day long and when I'm not there and we have a day or weekend off from work all the "office work" just gets pushed back a day until I come back to work and then I have to do double the work just to catch up to the demand of the tenants and staff once again. There is no body to carry that burden with me.... not in the way I need it, at least...
Hmmm.... I'll have think on this.... I do know my gut keeps telling me that if I am pregnant I will most likely have to be bedridden.... I have no idea why this thought keeps coming back to me, but it does. Over and over again. I get the feeling that will happen. I don't know if it will be because of the stress, because I'm disabled (and all the fears that go along with that with doctors) or because of my weight or, perhaps, a combination of all three. Only time will tell what truly happens.
In the meantime, I plan on finding ways to relieve my stress... I will be honest this will be quite hard for me. I am not great at not worrying about things. (Isn't it my job to worry about every little thing?! Chuckles)
Any prayer in this direction that friends and family reading this could offer would greatly be appreciated. Hugs
Thank you guys for going on this journey with us. We couldn't do it with all your love and support. :)